This is a strong step towards formalising where the industry is going ahead of the new professional standards due in 2019. Not only will the program support our advisers, but importantly it will help to lift consumer trust in the value of advice and their confidence in financial advice as a noble profession.
In 2016, The Ethics Centre was approached to develop a bespoke training program for professionals working within the financial advice sector. A number of leading advice companies, including AMP and BT, commissioned us to develop the curriculum for a blended learning program - initially called Ethical Literacy, later evolving into the Ethical Professional Program.
Facing intense scrutiny, the financial advice industry needed a future facing solution; a program that would inform and inspire ethical practice.
With the responsibility of people and business livelihoods in their hands, those working in the financial advice industry face the challenge of how to balance competing demands and duties. Whilst trying to operate a profitable and sustainable business, they must observe duties to clients, regulators, and to society at large.
As revelations of ethical failure revealed issues beneath the surface, a number of organisations recognised the need to create professional training in ethical practices and decision making, a challenge that was assigned to The Ethics Centre.
The Ethics Centre developed an intensive blended learning program that helped 1000+ advisors implement ethical reflection into their professional work.
The Ethical Professional program – initially called Ethical Literacy – has so far helped over a 1,000 professionals in the financial service industry to reflect on their values, improve trust in relationships, develop better decision making skills and ultimately improve client service.
Participants in the program are equipped with foundational ethical decision making and self-awareness skills which are drawn from contemporary research in psychology, behavioural economics and neuroscience. They leave with the knowledge to identify and navigate difficult decisions.
Over 1,000 financial advisors trained
award for Optus MyBusiness Training & Education provider of the Year
Reimagining ethics education: A win for The Ethics Centre
The Ethics Centre was announced the 2017 winner of the Optus MyBusiness Awards Training Education Provider of the Year, for our innovative business ethics education program, The Ethical Professional Program.
The prestigious annual event is Australia’s longest running awards program for SMEs. 150 finalists attended the award ceremony at Sydney’s Westin Hotel where the winners were announced across 28 award categories.
The Ethical Professional Program is our core professional education program, centred on applied ethics, quality decision making, professional practice and leadership. Exclusively devised for financial advisors, brokers, bankers and those who work alongside them, it has been rolled out across the financial service sector.
Participants who have completed the program tell us it helped them build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients, link everyday decisions back to their organisation’s strategy and purpose, and deal with complex issues as they arise.
The program consistently achieves high net promoter scores and positive feedback that indicates participants not only leave with new skills but enjoy the process too – not something you hear every day about ethics education!
We take our role as a leading provider of ethics education very seriously. As events in the world continue to shock, scare and surprise us, and our trust in core institutions appears to plummet, it can seem as if people care less and less about ethics. Our experience tells us otherwise. The people and organisations we work with across our ethics, leadership and learning programs are hungry to explore what they value, the principles they hold on to, and how to make their way through some of the most difficult ethical challenges we face today.
Our organisation has been involved in learning and education for over 25 years and are thrilled to be recognised for the transformative programs we deliver in ethics education.
As an independent non-profit specialising in ethics, we’ve been asked by many organisations, industries and governments, both locally and internationally, to provide a different kind of education and training experience.
Each of our education and training programs challenge participants to think differently – to critically examine other opinions, be consistent in their judgements, and make responsible and considered decisions. They provide the skills and tools to understand and resolve the multitude of difficult ethical challenges we all face as part of our personal and professional lives.