Dr Michelle Campbell-Ward

Dr Michelle Campbell-Ward is a wildlife veterinarian with expertise in conservation medicine, One HealthOne Welfare and the ethics associated with the care and management of wild, zoo and exotic species. She is the Associate Professor in Wildlife and Avian Medicine at the University of Sydney (Camden campus) where she is involved in research, teaching and clinical wildlife practice. She spent over 2 years with the NSW DPI Animal Welfare Unit, most recently as Team Leader Policy and Programs and has worked as a clinical vet for Taronga Conservation Society Australia for more than 15 years. Michelle has post-graduate qualifications in Zoological Medicine and in International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law, and has worked with wildlife on 4 continents. Her current work involves reviewing wildlife rescue and rehabilitation practices and the assessment of welfare and quality-of-life of zoo and wild animals. Her post-bushfire research has been influential in the sector.