Welcome to Ethics Reboot

Get ready to reset

We all know how easy it is for New Year’s resolutions to fail. And that’s ok, we’re just human, after all. But how do we bring about change, if we want to? 

Rather than setting goals like reading more books or spending less time scrolling, ETHICS REBOOT focusses on developing the qualities you want in your life – like being curious, courageous or compassionate. It is a 21-day practice to help create better habits for a better life. Some philosophers refer to qualities as virtues – those behaviours, skills or mindsets that are worthy to be regarded as features of living a good life. 

In this free, online course you will receive a daily email giving you practical guidance, motivation and activities to bring 21 qualities into your every day. 

In the midst of busy lives – and an increasingly tumultuous world – the challenge of the course is to carve out a few minutes each day to learn something new, put it into practice and reflect on its impact on your life. The result? Creating a new habit of daily self-reflection might help kick-start new ways of thinking, being and doing life that little bit better.

Sign up for this 21-day challenge now!


Daily email unpacking a new virtue each day 
Read or listen to the daily challenge 
Practical, 5 min activities to integrate ethical habits into your daily life 
Review your progress with daily and weekly reflections as you go 
Free! Sign up or unsubscribe at any time

Whats inside the guide?