ETHICS AT WORK Conversation
THURS 18 MAY 2023
12PM–1:30PM AEST
Limited seats available
The Ethics Centre
Level 1, 161 Castlereagh St
Sydney, 2000
As business leaders how do we increase racial literacy within our organisations?
Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. It includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity, or national origin. Racism can be revealed through people’s actions, as well as their attitudes. It can also be reflected in systems. and institutions. Racism is more than just words, beliefs, and actions. It includes barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race.”
– Everyday Respect Report, EB & Co
Please join Lisa Annese, CEO Diversity Council of Australia, Cris Parker, Director of The Ethics Alliance and fellow Ethics Alliance leaders to explore and learn.

Lisa Annese
Lisa Annese has been the Chief Executive Officer of Diversity Council Australia since 2014. Under Lisa’s leadership, DCA delivers innovative diversity practice resources for Australian businesses and supports them in improving their inclusion capability. She has led ground-breaking, evidence-based research, including Australia’s first national index on workplace diversity and inclusion, seminal research on the economics of the gender pay-gap and original work on building Asian Leadership Capability, as well as research supporting individuals being “Out at Work” and main-streaming flexible work. In 2018, Lisa was named one of the AFR’s 100 Women of Influence. In 2019 she was elected to the Board of Amnesty International Australia. Lisa is also Executive Producer of DCA’s podcast, The Art of Inclusion. Lisa has had a long career in the diversity and inclusion space across the corporate, government and not-for-profit sector. Some of her career highlights include advocating for policy action in areas including government-funded paid parental leave and closing the gender pay gap; presenting DCA’s leading research internationally; developing the first ever census of Australian Women in Leadership while at the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, and co-authoring Chief Executives Unplugged: CEO’s Get Real About Women in the Workplace.

Cris Parker
Cris heads The Ethics Alliance, a community of organisations across sectors that works to collaboratively shape the future of business ethics. She is also a director of The Banking & Finance Oath, a pledge of integrity and commitment that aims to increase consideration of stakeholders and decision-making accountability by financial service professionals. It is a program she helped execute, and still oversees. She holds a degree in psychology, and in another life, founded a Manhattan theatre company, casting agency, and production studio.
About The Ethics Alliance
The Ethics Alliance, an initiative by The Ethics Centre, is a community of organisations with a commitment to lead, inspire and shape a better way of working.
In the Ethics Exchange, a stimulating event series, senior business leaders are invited to join Ethics Alliance members to explore business ethics during their lunch break. Led by expert guest speakers, conversation and sharing perspectives are highly encouraged. Registration for this free event is essential as seats are strictly limited.
Things to think about
Should corporate Australia have a voice?
Why businesses need to have difficult conversations