A black and white image of a young woman with a cosmetic sheet mask on her face. Overlaid ontop of the image is the title

THE ETHICS OF... Conversation


6:30pm – 7:30pm AEDT


The Ethics Centre
Level 1, 161 Castlereagh St
Sydney, 2000


Tickets are no longer on sale for this event

Psychological studies continually observe a ‘halo effect’ around beautiful people and things that see us interpret them in a more favourable light, leading them to be paid higher wages and receive better loans than their less attractive peers.  But are looks and morality somehow related? 

Certainly, for the ancient philosophers, beauty was a supreme value, in line with goodness and truth. But what does this mean for us today?  

Join philosopher Dr Sam Shpall and award-winning author and advocate Tara Rae Moss to step through the mirror and examine what makes someone (or something) beautiful and how this impacts all our lives. Are there ‘unfair’ advantages to being beautiful? Does beauty corrupt? Is a good life impacted by your ability to be beautiful or attain beauty? Does beauty make us happy? And who decides what is beautiful and what is not?  

This event is part of a series which includes The Ethics of Power on 14 March and The Ethics of Shame on 27 March. See all three events for $99 in person or $60 for Youth (aged 30 or under). 

Event live stream will be available to watch on demand for up to 14 days post-event. 

About 'The Ethics Of...'

‘The Ethics of…’ is an event series where we freely examine the experiences, hopes and challenges that make us truly human; from the good to the bad and everything in between. Each event is an intimate conversation, led by a philosopher, with opportunities for the audience to share their experiences, views and learn from each other. Join us for this important and interactive event, held both in person and livestreamed, about the ways we connect with each other.

This series is supported by NSW Government through Create NSW.


Dr Sam Shpall

Dr Sam Shpall is a Senior Lecturer in Ethics in the Discipline of Philosophy at The University of Sydney. He teaches and writes about sex, love, art, and politics. He is passionate about helping to improve public discourse and broadening the reach of philosophy. He is collaborating with Jedidiah Evans (Sydney) and Corrective Services NSW to deliver philosophy and literature classes to incarcerated women at Dillwynia correctional centre. 


Tara Rae Moss

Tara Rae Moss is one of Australia’s most iconic authors. Since 1999 she has written 14 bestselling books, published in 19 countries and 13 languages. An experienced documentary host and interviewer with a passion for research and human stories, Moss hosted the true crime documentary series Tough Nuts – Australia’s Hardest Criminals for two seasons on the Crime & Investigation Network and Amazon Prime, Tara Moss Investigates on the National Geographic Channel, and the author interview show Tara in Conversation on 13th Street Universal. She was also the host, co-executive producer, and co-writer of Cyberhate with Tara Moss on ABC, examining the phenomenon of online abuse, and most recently a reporter and host of the true crime podcast, The Man in The Balaclava, for Audible.