BEING HUMAN Conversation
THURS 13 MAY 2021
6:30 – 7:30pm AEST
Limited seats for live event
Level 1, 161 Castlereagh St
Sydney, 2000
$14 online
$35 live
Multipacks available
Step into any relationship therapist’s office and they’ll tell you that what predicts a breakup isn’t whether a couple fight – it’s how they fight.
Couples that stay together fight fair.
If we put modern society into the therapist’s office, they’d probably be recommending us a good divorce lawyer. It feels like we’ve lost a sense of principled disagreement – the idea that it’s OK if reasonable people think differently about something that matters.
In part, this is because we’ve changed the boundaries on what is OK to disagree about. Today, disagreement and debate about sensitive issues is seen by some as harmful or violent.
We can all be guilty of treating disagreement as something that must have a winner and a loser. Whilst in other times disagreement has been used as a tool for everyone to learn; today, we disagree without any readiness to be persuaded.
When should we respectfully disagree? Should we always be open to having our mind changed? Can we remain friends with someone who we disagree with about things that really matter?
Join us as we explore the art of disagreement and learn to fight fair.
This event is part of ‘The Ethics of’ trilogy which includes ‘The Ethics of Forgiveness’ and ‘The Ethics of Trust’.
Catch our remaining 2 events for $22 online.
About 'The Ethics Of...'
‘The Ethics Of…’ is an intimate event series that offers an opportunity to freely examine the experiences, hopes and challenges that make us truly human. In this trilogy, the meaning, mess and morality of trust, forgiveness and disagreement are put under the microscope through playful thought experiments. Join The Ethics Centre for a set of important conversations about the different ways we connect to each other.

Dr Luara Ferracioli
Dr Luara Ferracioli is Senior Lecturer in Political Philosophy at the University of Sydney. She was awarded her PhD from the Australian National University in 2013, and has held appointments at the University of Oxford, Princeton University, and the University of Amsterdam. Her main areas of research are the ethics of immigration and family justice. Her book Liberal Self-Determination in a World of Migration is forthcoming with Oxford University Press.
Dr Samuel Shpall
Dr Sam Shpall is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at The University of Sydney. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 2011, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow there from 2011-2013. From 2013-2015 he was the Postdoctoral Associate in Law and Philosophy at Yale University, and a Lecturer at the Yale Law School. He also taught philosophy in four New York State Correctional Facilities from 2014-2015 as a faculty member of the Bard Prison Initiative. He works mostly in ethics, moral psychology, and the philosophy of art.
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