Be a catalyst for ethics
Catalysts sustain The Ethics Centre’s work by giving a regular donation of $5,000 each year. It’s a program that has a profound, immediate impact on our capacity to deliver more programs to larger and more diverse audiences, spreading ethical decision making tools and skills to those that need it most.
Become part of something good
Ethics is the map for good decision making. We place our freedom, security and wellbeing – our humanity – at risk if we don’t work at it actively. An ethical world requires active participation. It needs a groundswell, a movement, an army of people pooling their energy to generate momentum. By becoming a Catalyst for regular giving you are joining that army for change – ultimately helping to realise our vision and create the better world we’d all like to live in.
While ethics might not seem urgent among many other important causes, we’d argue that our values and principles underpin all our choices, big and small. The Ethics Centre receives no government funding and our steadfast independence, so vital to our effectiveness, quite literally comes at a price. Through the support of regular giving we can plan for a brighter future.
Your support sustains our purpose
In 2014, The Ethics Centre set a goal of establishing a group of 100 Catalysts willing to donate $5,000 a year. To date we have a cohort of 74 Catalysts, so there is room for more. Through regular giving Catalysts provide much needed funds that go toward The Ethics Centre work and programs including:

Research &thought leadership

Online tools &learning programs

Free ethicscounselling hotline

Big thinkers &difficult conversations

Advocacy onethical issues

Ethical commentaryon current affairs
Our Catalysts have a special personal relationship with The Ethics Centre and the work we do to deliver on its purpose. Stay informed on our work with monthly communications from the Centre, and invitations to join us for intimate gatherings, strategic discussions and special events such as the Festival of Dangerous Ideas or IQ2 debates. Catalysts are an important part of The Ethics Centre family, making the work we do possible.
We'd love to hear from you
If you’re interested in joining the Catalyst program, please contact Rosemary Smithson (via email rosemary.smithson@ethics.org.au or by phone +61 2 8267 5725).

"The Ethics Centre gives people opportunities and encouragement to hear other points of view before making their own decisions about the complexities ahead."
Justine and David are worried about the lack of thinking and discussion on the issues we face in the future.”The decisions we make today will have a profound effect on the world our children inherit from us” explains Justine. They support the Centre as annual donors because they’ve seen what convening power and passion can achieve.
More ways to support Ethics
Making a gift in your Will is a powerful way to support the ongoing work of The Ethics Centre at a level that may not be possible during your lifetime.