BEING HUMAN Conversation
6:30 – 7:30pm AEDT
Limited seats in person
The Ethics Centre
Level 1, 161 Castlereagh St
Sydney, 2000
Tickets are no longer on sale for this event
How far should you go for what you believe in?
When people are suffering, when our voices are silenced, when the system itself is broken, what do we do? Recognising that imperfect institutions – like the media, the courts, and parliament – will not always act in our interests, liberal democracy enshrines the right of citizens to protest.
But what does ethical protest look like? Should violent protest ever be permitted? How much damage should be allowed? What burdens should bystanders be required to bear? In other words, where do the limits of protest lie?
In The Ethics of Protest, The Ethics Centre’s Senior Philosopher Dr Tim Dean will be joined by special guest, human rights lawyer and chair of Amnesty International UK, Dr Senthorun (Sen) Raj, to discuss the ethics of protest as it exists today. Looking at conspicuous contemporary protest such as human rights, climate change, and race and social justice, our guest will also speak from his own experience as a global LGBTQIA+ community leader.
This event is part of a series which includes ‘The Ethics of Punishment’ on Thursday 16 March. See both events for $60 in person or $20 livestream.
Event live stream will be available to watch on demand for up to 14 days post-event.
About 'The Ethics Of...'
‘The Ethics of…’ is an event series where we freely examine the experiences, hopes and challenges that make us truly human; from the good to the bad and everything in between. Each event is an intimate conversation, led by a philosopher, with opportunities for the audience to share their experiences, views and learn from each other. Join us for this important and interactive event, held both in person and livestreamed, about the ways we connect with each other.

As part of their special Sydney World Pride activations our friends and long-time ethically engaged distillers Archie Rose will be hosting a pop-up bar for The Ethics of Protest from 6pm.
Guest Speaker

Dr Senthorun (Sen) Raj
Dr Senthorun (Sen) Raj is an Associate Professor in Human Rights Law at Manchester Law School and chair of Amnesty International UK. His academic and advocacy work take an intersectional approach to examining the relationship between emotion, culture, law, and LGBTQIA+ rights in different jurisdictions. Sen has worked as the Senior Policy Advisor for the NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (2009-12) and was on the boards of ACON (2011-15) and Amnesty International Australia (2013-15).

Dr Tim Dean
Tim is a public philosopher, speaker and writer. He has a Doctorate in philosophy from the University of New South Wales on the evolution of morality and specialises in public philosophy, ethics and critical thinking. He is an Honorary Associate at the University of Sydney and the author of How We Became Human. He is the recipient of the Australasian Association of Philosophy Media Professionals’ Award for his work on philosophy in the public sphere.
Things to think about
Why we should be teaching our kids to protest
The sticky ethics of protests in a pandemic