BY The Ethics Centre 1 NOV 2023
What makes something right or wrong? One answer comes from the work of German philosopher Immanuel Kant.
Ethics Unboxed: Truth, Duty and Deontology
Lesson 8 introduces deontology, the idea that we should always stand on principle, no matter the cost.
Ethics Explainer: Deontology
BY The Ethics Centre and ethics 18 FEB 2016
If you believe it’s noble to do the right thing for the right thing’s sake, you’ve got something in common with Immanuel Kant.
Big Thinker: Philippa Foot
BY The Ethics Centre 11 APR 2024
Philippa Foot was one of the founders of contemporary virtue ethics, reviving the dominant Aristotelian ethics in the 20th century.
WorkshopBeing Human
Ethics Tune Up: Ethics 101
01 May 24
Israel or Palestine: Do you have to pick a side?
BY The Ethics Centre 27 OCT 2023
We are inclined to pick a side in complex conflicts, but doing so can diminish our ethical point of view.
ArticleBeing Human
Would you kill one to save five? How ethical dilemmas strengthen our moral muscle
BY The Ethics Centre 6 OCT 2023
Ethical dilemmas can be uncomfortable to tackle, but they can also teach us a lot about our own values, and prepare us for an ethically complex world.
Ethics explainer: Normativity
BY The Ethics Centre 29 JUN 2023
Normativity is the phenomenon of humans and societies evaluating human conduct in a communal way.
The ethics of drug injecting rooms
BY Zach Wilkinson 28 JUN 2023
Should we allow people to use illicit drugs if it means that we can reduce the harm they cause? Or is doing so just promoting bad behaviour?
Ethics Explainer: Truth & Honesty
BY The Ethics Centre 10 NOV 2022
In everyday life, truth is often thought of as a simple concept. Something is factual, false, or unknown. But how do we know we’re telling the truth?